Event Information
110th Annual Inaugural Dinner Banquet, Riverside Area Chambers of Commerce
Riverside Area Chambers of Commerce event at Riverside Convention Center, 3443 Orange St., Riverside, CA 92501
110th Annual Inaugural Dinner Banquet, Riverside Area Chambers of Commerce. Greg was the featured entertainer with his ‘Facing the Music’ performance painting at this annual event for about 500 guests. The event had an island theme and Greg painted a 6 foot portrait of Jimmy Buffett, accompaned by a soundtrack of Buffett’s music. In what was a first for Greg, he simultaneously painted a second (smaller) painting during the same performance. It was an island sunset with a large parrot, in the spirit of the Jimmy Buffett Parrot Heads. Both paintings were immedieately auctioned upon completion of Greg’s 15 minute performance, raising more than $3,000 for the Chamber.
Due to the COVID pandemic, all of Gregory Adamson’s live performances and other in-person appearances have been postponed or cancelled until further notice. He does post regularly to Facebook and Instagram and also does live streaming painting demonstrations and classes, primarily on Facebook.
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