Event Information
Muralthon during Riverside's Long Night of Arts and Innovation
Muralthon at Riverside Art Museum, Riverside, CA
Muralthon during Riverside’s Long Night of Arts and Innovation. The City of Riverside held this inaugural event patterned after similar events in Europe. Riverside Art Museum participated with a number of events, including a Muralthon, featuring Gregory Adamson who completed a 19.5 foot abstract mural in one, continuous session, beginning around 6 p.m. Greg worked continuously through the night and called the painting finished around 8:00 the next morning. This event was broadcast via a live Webcast on the internet until approximately midnight. The completed mural is still on display at the Riverside Art Museum.
Due to the COVID pandemic, all of Gregory Adamson’s live performances and other in-person appearances have been postponed or cancelled until further notice. He does post regularly to Facebook and Instagram and also does live streaming painting demonstrations and classes, primarily on Facebook.
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