Event Information
2008 Art @ The Heart of Dos Lagos
July 11, 2008 Art @ The Heart of Dos Lagos. This was the second installment of the monthly Summer series. Greg performed on stage at the Amphitheater at Dos Lagos during which he painted large canvases quickly, accompanied by a live band. The theme for the event was the 60’s and Greg embraced that theme with live paintings of Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Jimmi Hendrix and Mick Jagger. The highlight of the evening was Greg’s painting of Jimmi Hendrix which to the crowd’s surprise, he painted upside down!
Due to the COVID pandemic, all of Gregory Adamson’s live performances and other in-person appearances have been postponed or cancelled until further notice. He does post regularly to Facebook and Instagram and also does live streaming painting demonstrations and classes, primarily on Facebook.
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